Since the introduction of smart phones, it is estimated there are more than one trillion licensed images on the Internet today. According to a study conducted by Getty Images and Stock Artists Alliance, 70% of all visual media used on the Internet today are not authorized by copyright owners. This causes the loss of billions of dollars to content owners. The photo licensing industry is controlled by several companies that retain up to 85% of revenue permits leaving little profit for the creators and rights owners. Image Protect is a revolutionary content rights platform, leveraging blockchain technology to manage, protect and monetize digital media for content producers from all levels, publishers, and advertisers. Our embedded in-image ad format, IPShare ™, is located at the heart of our mission.
1. Unauthorized Usage Monetization – IPShare™
Problem: 80% of all websites found using our proprietary image recognition and web crawling technologies cannot be monetized through traditional image licensing. This leaves the content owner with little to no time and/or money to spend on DMCA takedown notices.
Solution: Image Protect is introducing a revolutionary new digital licensing model, IPShare™. Instead of sending the standard DMCA takedown notice to an ISP or hosting company, we ask the website owner to replace the current image (jpeg or gif) with the same image that has been converted to the IPShare™ embeddable format. It’s as simple as copying and pasting the image into the user’s website template. It is a win-win for all parties, the creator enjoys revenue from converted CPM and CPC models, and the website/blog owner enjoys the use of the image without fees or penalties. Our solution will significantly change the current copyright and licensing landscape by locking in attribution, securely sharing content, gaining visibility, social engagement, ownership authentication, easy-to-use licensing, and revenue growth from online advertising. This interactive online image format contains in-image advertising, hot links, social sharing and dynamic messaging. This new technology derives revenue from the global digital advertising market, which is expected to grow to over $291B by 2020.
2. Content Marketplace – IPMarket™
Problem: The current picture industry is heavily dominated by giant image conglomerates, such as Shutterstock, Fotolia, and Getty Images, which in most instances, keep over 85% of the gross revenue per image. Artists suffer from lack of fair profit margins yet have nowhere else to turn due to the overall market share generated by these large image distributors. Users generate the value of these networks, but fail to be compensated in any manner as the distribution platforms lack any type of proprietary identification systems, solid tracking algorithms, and/or incentivized revenue models. Decentralization promises to solve some, if not all of these user-based challenges.
Solution: A new marketplace for digital images will follow the implementation of our Global Decentralized Copyright Registry. We will set the standard of digital content copyright management with smart-contracts to formalize existing licensing rights of digital assets, making them easy for a creator or photo buyer to use, transfer or modify. This in turn, will increase profits for content creators and decrease consumer expenses, while providing them with more product opportunities.
3. Rights Management – Smart Contract
Problem: Creators have little control over licensing rights in today’s marketplace. They are unable to set their own pricing or restrict licensing terms and there is little to no transparency into usage and provenance of registered content. Additionally, there are long wait times between royalty payments. Content buyers are often confused by licensing and legal terms, forcing them into piracy.
Solution: License your work – Transfer, consign or loan digital creations without losing attribution. Our easy-to-use platform comes equipped with clear legal framework and supports custom contracts. The Image Protect Terms of Service (TOS) makes smart contracts easy to use by creators and consumers. It incorporates actions like “I claim copyright rights” (creator, when registering a work into ascribe) and “I transfer copyright rights, or a license” (old owner to new owner). One can think of this as copyright in a box, easy to use by the layperson (creator, consumer). Image Protect works closely with lawyers in several countries as well as its own inhouse general counsel to develop a TOS that addresses these issues.
PayPal enabled electronic transfer of money between individuals, allowing money to flow across the Internet from and to non-corporate end-users in the ‘long tail’. Similarly, Image Protect’s smart contracts enable electronic transfer of digital property between individuals, allowing digital property to flow across the Internet and into the long tail.
4. Visibility into Usage
Problem: Due to the lack of a unified visual digital content registry, it is difficult to know if a particular work has already been used before and if so, which territorial rights have been applied to it. The surrounding legal issues can be tedious with everyone from an individual user to the largest of corporations facing legal risk.
Solution: Even richer visibility into usage of the digital property. Trace where and how your work spreads on the Internet. We show you all the sites your work has appeared on and its growth over time using. It would continue to support existing functionality of registration, transfer of ownership, loaning, renting, and sharing. It would support partial attribution among multiple parties. This includes attribution with the possibility of compensation for all creators, not just digital artists. Licensing will be rights managed, royalty free or creative commons. We are working on more complex licensing capabilities to support the evolving nature of international global media. There would be ways to increase visibility into how the work is reproduced, distributed, and what derivative works there are.
Visibility into usage of the digital property by auto-discovering where it’s used online and recording changes to ownership (provenance).
Tracking: crawl the web and show creators where their works are being used. Tracking leverages elements of machine learning and big data.
Screening: whenever a new item is registered, owners of similar IP that have already registered are notified.
Provenance: recording the history of ownership, and other transfer transactions. This web-crawl aspect is a posteriori approach to provenance discovery, and the registry a priori approach.
5. Proof of Sales/Licensing History and Legal Evidence – Blockchain Registration
Problem: The main problem with today’s visual image market is there is little to no sales/ licensing transparency, nor is there a simple mechanism to efficiently control and manage an artists’ copyright. These factors severely limit the potential for revenue and create legal issues on both sides of the licensing transaction. On one side, artists are losing out on a lion share of revenue due to the unauthorized usage from across the Internet. From the buyer’s perspective, some of the online theft could actually be converted into legal licenses if the blockchain information was contained at image level.
Problems & Solutions
Problem: 80% of all websites found using our proprietary image recognition and web crawling technologies licensing. DMCA takedown notices.
Solution: Image Protect is introducing a revolutionary new digital licensing model, IP share. Instead of sending the DMCA standard takedown notice to an ISP or hosting company, we ask the website owner to replace the current image (jpeg or gif) with the same image that has been converted to the IPShare embeddable format. It's as simple as copying and pasting the image into the user's website template. It is a win-win for all parties, the creator enjoys revenue from converted CPM and CPC models, and the website / blog owner enjoys the use of the images without fees or penalties. Our solution will be the right to change the current copyright and licensing landscape by locking in attribution, securely sharing content, gaining visibility, social engagement, ownership authentication, easy-to-use licensing, and revenue growth from online advertising. This interactive online image format contains in-image advertising, hot links, social sharing and dynamic messaging. This new technology derives revenue from the global digital advertising market, which is expected to grow to over $ 291B by 2020.
The main focus of Image Protect is in the global online digital advertising market using our IPShare ™ technology. Statista estimates the Ad market is likely to stand at more than $ 227 billion globally. This figure could rise by more than 46 percent to $ 332 billion within four years. One thing most observers are sure about is that the digital ad market will not show any signs of saturation in the future.
PLENTIX is one of the breakthrough blockchain technologies used in the present. PLENTIX takes part in the global internet and blockchain system, and has invested millions of dollars. Wow! the number is quite fantastic considering PLENTIX is a new program for the implementation of blockchain.
PLENTIX makes it easy for users to use their own token to connect and integrate globally, and this is one of the features that PLENTIX offers, the decentralized online referral system you have!
Decentralized And Automated
A decentralized, distributed Blockchain system - provides businesses and developers with a structure to allow the platform to remain free while, at the same time, allowing a vast number of developers to build on it. Smart contracts automation - allows programmers to easily plug and play with supported software, enabling reduced cost with effortless scaling capabilities and automation. Using decentralized, distributed infrastructure, Plentix provides programmers and businesses with open-source set of APIs and features.
Flexible Reward Options
There are many possible ways for referring your network to gain rewards. The referrer may get a 10% reward in tokens for every referral that makes a purchase or even get commission for first three purchases; it is up to the business to choose. The reward may be in Plentix tokens. Rewards may be monetized for up to four purchases by the referee client. Reward options may vary from business to business, and include tokens, discounts or a mix of both.
Innovative Architecture
Businesses will have a wide range of integration options - allowing them to seamlessly plug into their CRM systems or POS systems. While Plentix’s platform empowers developers to write their modules, Plentix application will allow programmers to write a module which will integrate with Plentix application and transfers the programming GAS fee to them when a business using their software module has a transaction. In spite of several players in collaboration backstage of Plentix application, users only see one front-end interface and only need to sign-up to Plentix application.
Access To Tokenized Referral
Every time businesses and customers connect, every recommendation for a friend, the Plentix token stores and transfers value. As Plentix is a network platform with an underlying token that is an asset in the crypto economy, everyone wins: the platform’s success is intimately connected to the success of its users, the growth of its token and the value of the ecosystem powered up by the Plentix platform.
We present Plentix, a modular tokenized platform that aims to brings benefits to the customer, brands and businesses that sign up. As such, nobody stands to lose: the success of the platform is intimately connected to the success of its users, the growth of its token, and the value created by the ecosystem.
You can refer a friend using the easy-to-use Plentix interface. Plentix offers the capability to refer users who are not members of the platform by routing the invitation through social media, email or SMS - giving all users an easy, straight-forward way to interact.
The referee will receive a discount code with which they can purchase from the specific business they were referred to. The amount of discount and number of times the referee can use it depends on the schema every business set on their business admin panel.
The referred person can then use the discount code to purchase a product or service. The discount code might only be active for a period of time which depends on the schema that specific business set for the referrals, they have this flexibility to change it anytime needed.
The referrer will receive a digital token or discount code reward, depending on the business’s referral schema, however, the referrer will only receive the commission if the referee uses their discount code and purchases from the business.
Plentix is a platform that gives developers both a tremendous amount of flexibility and the potential to earn via their developments. A developer can use the Plentix APIs to write their own software modules, either on-platform or via their own 3rd party application. On-platform modules can be integrated within the Plentix application.
On-platform developers will earn income for every interaction a customer has through their development; i.e. Programmers can use Plentix’s feature set to write specifically tailored administrative panel for businesses they interact with and get paid for every transaction with those businesses inside the Plentix application.
The businesses’ administrative panel offers different industry-based options in which a business can choose which referral schema they want to offer to the users. The referrer can always choose between Plentix tokens or discount at the store or online. We anticipate that options will vary for each business, based on their nature.
You can control when and how your referrals are shared. As a decentralized platform, it’s all done on the blockchain - fully automating your referral program using smart contracts - with no need for authority, or any controlling business in between.
Diagram konsep PLENTIX
Antarmuka yang dimiliki oleh PLENTIX sangat mudah digunakan, anda dapat mengajak teman anda menggunakannya. Dengan menawarkan kemampuan bagi pengguna yang bukan anggota. Referre akan menerima kode dikon dimana dapat mereka gunakan pada skema bisinis yang telah ditetapkan pada panel admin bisnis mereka. Orang yang dimaksud referre dapat menggunakan kode diskon untuk membeli produk atau layanan, kode diskon hanya aktif pada jangka waktu tertentu sesuai dengan skema yang telah ditetapkan. Referre akan menerima hadia sesuai denganskema rujukan bisnis
Ada sejumlah proyek yang berada di pasar yang memiliki kesamaan dengan PLENTIX hak itu dikarenakan perkiraan untuk industry pemasaran rujukan bernilai lebih dari $11 milyar dollar.
Integrasi masa depan PLENTIX
Pilihan Baru untuk Pengembang & Kontributor
Bagi pemangku kepentingan, PLentix memberikan pengargaan dan pengakuan rujukan siklus hidup ekonomi. Hal itu karena pengembang perangkat lunak itu mungkin bekerja dengan kompensasi tetap paket dengan Groupon.Model Terdistribusi Aplikasi Bisnis PLENTIX
Integrasi Masa Depan PLENTIX
Distribusi Token
60% persen token akan dijual, 20% akan dinerikan kepada penasehat(advisor) dan investor awal, 10% untuk cadangan perusahaan, 5% untuk program referral dan 5% sisanyan untuk Bounty dan pengembangan komunitas.
Distribusi token dilakukan dalam acara ICO dan hasilnyaakan digunakan untuk pengembangan dan peningkatan keunggulan dari PLENTIX. Token Pleniix tidak mewakili bagian dari bisnis.
Token PLENTIX dikenal dengan PTN. Dengan ICO, setiap proyejk kripto baru menjual tokennya kepada peminat dengan imbalan dana.
Untuk mendapatkan Token PLENTIX adalah dengan mengirim Bitcoin, Litecoin dan ETH Address anda. Token PLENTIX akan didistribusikan dalam dua tahap, yan pertama pada tahap PRE ICO dan yang Kdua pada tahap. ICO PLENTIX akan dibuka pada maret 2018.
Distribusi Dana
30% dari dana akam dialokasikan untuk pengembangan produk dan pemeliharaan, 25% untuk pertumbuhan dan pengembangan bisnis, 15% untuk pengembangan pemasaran dan pelanggan., 10% untuk cadangan, 15% untuk operasi dan 5% untuk hukum.
Crypto Platform nutzt Crowdfunding für Empower Startups und Investoren!
Cybit ist ein Open Source Ecosystem, um Crowdfunding zu ermöglichen! Unsere Plattform basiert auf dem ERC-23-Protokoll mit intelligenten Verträgen zur Validierung und zum Schutz hochsicherer Transaktionen vor böswilligen Angriffen. Es wendet eine Methodik an, die die Flexibilität der Infrastruktur unterstützt und Systemsicherheit und -stabilität gewährleistet.
Cybit unterstützt drei Arten von Fundraising-Kampagnen. Initial Coin Offering, Crowd Investing und Crowd Funding. CyBit bietet Investoren ein einzigartiges Vehikel, um das Projekt über CBT als zugrunde liegenden Wert zu finanzieren!
Wir bieten umfassende Vertragsintelligenzfunktionen für eine reibungslose Projektdurchführung bei voller Transparenz und Liquidität.
CyBit Tokens - oder CBT - hat viele Vorteile gegenüber den wichtigsten Währungen. CBT Token verwendet eine sichere ERC-23-Plattform, um Token Track über Smart Contracts bereitzustellen. Es unterstützt die Flexibilität der Infrastruktur, um Systemsicherheit und Stabilität zu gewährleisten.
Cybit Solutions ermöglicht es ICO-Entwicklern, Plattformen zu besuchen, Finanzierungsanforderungen zu stellen und Cybit-Kanäle zu nutzen, um von potenziellen Investoren bewertet zu werden. Nach einer erfolgreichen Evaluierung investieren Investoren in ihr Projekt mit Token CyBit. Der gesamte Prozess garantiert einen intelligenten Vertrag. Diese Plattform schützt die Rechte jedes Stakeholders.
Unser Team
Our solutions are developed and supported by professionals to provide you with the latest and safe technologies in all areas of business.
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